1. DNSSEC/unbound


Unbound DNS Tutorial https://calomel.org/unbound_dns.html


2. anchor


3. turnoff dnssec



2. トラストアンカーを削除する

3. validatorモジュールを無効にする

        module-config: "iterator"

4. 起動スクリプト

起動スクリプトのなかで、unbound-anchorを実行しているようなので、 それも潰すのがいいかも。


Unbound users ML https://unbound.nlnetlabs.nl/pipermail/unbound-users/2017-August/004869.html

Otherwise, unbound shouldn't be fetching the DNSKEY itself then,
but downstream clients could still be asking for it.

5. bug


6. conf option

harden-dnssec-stripped: <yes or no>
              Require DNSSEC data for trust-anchored zones, if  such  data  is
              absent,  the  zone  becomes  bogus. If turned off, and no DNSSEC
              data is received (or the DNSKEY data fails  to  validate),  then
              the  zone  is made insecure, this behaves like there is no trust
              anchor. You could turn this off if you are sometimes  behind  an
              intrusive  firewall (of some sort) that removes DNSSEC data from
              packets, or a zone changes from  signed  to  unsigned  to  badly
              signed  often.  If  turned  off  you run the risk of a downgrade
              attack that disables security for a zone. Default is on.

disable-dnssec-lame-check: <yes or no>

              If  true,  disables  the  DNSSEC lameness check in the iterator.
              This check sees if RRSIGs are present in the answer, when dnssec
              is  expected,  and retries another authority if RRSIGs are unex‐
              pectedly missing.  The  validator  will  insist  in  RRSIGs  for
              DNSSEC  signed  domains  regardless  of this setting, if a trust
              anchor is loaded.