= spam/対策/qregex = について、ここに記述してください。 qmail-smptd 追加機能 [[/diff-files]] https://notes.sagredo.eu/files/qmail/patches/qregex.README Features of qregex include: 1. Performs pattern matching on envelope senders and envelope recipients against REs in the badmailfrom and badmailto control files. Two additional control files, badmailfromnorelay and badmailtonorelay, are used for pattern matching when the RELAYCLIENT environment variable is not set. 2. Performs pattern matching on the helo/ehlo host name. Setting the NOBADHELO environment variable prevents the host name from being compared to the patterns in the badhelo control file. 3. Matches to patterns are logged. Setting the LOGREGEX environment variable causes the matched regex pattern to be included in the log. 4. Matching is case insensitive. 5. qregex ignores empty envelope senders. An empty envelope sender is not compared to the patterns in the badmailfrom and badmailfromnorelay control files and is always accepted.