

DNS Specialist InternetNZ

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InternetNZ is the home and guardian of .nz, providing the infrastructure, security and support to keep it humming. We help New Zealanders harness the power of the Internet through our community grants, research and policy. We are champions for an Internet that is accessible, open, and secure for all New Zealanders.

You will be a member of the six-person team responsible for maintaining and evolving the operational infrastructure for the .nz ccTLD. You will work closely with our research and policy team as well as software developers to advance our DNS platform and implement the bedrock of the New Zealand Internet space.

Our organisation has the responsibility of providing a core service to the entire country and accordingly you will be granted autonomy to see the service done well. We heavily invest in infrastructure that is reliable, secure and manageable. You will automate operations extensively for the sake of security, compliance, and resilience. Our focus on automation means that you will have some software engineering skills and be able to drive a project to accomplish these goals.

The DNS platform is comprised of name server software, switching, anycast, and HSMs deployed in a variety of data centres across New Zealand. DNSSEC, using the OpenDNSSEC signer software, has been fully deployed for all our zones. You will engage with third-party providers regarding the delivery of .nz nationally and overseas.

We have been extensively involved in the development of DNSSEC standards and tools and the signing of the root nameservers. Our preference is to use open source software and to contribute back to the open source community.

What we are looking for

Effective engineers know how to properly prioritise, have a great work ethic and communicate well. We will be looking for those skills in candidates. You will also need:

Skills you'll need to develop

We like Python, but we're open to change. Ansible is used for all system management, with each infrastructure role being testable. Testing this infrastructure is a key ongoing skill.

You'll need to gain domain specific knowledge regarding the .nz registry software, but given the custom-nature of that we don't expect that coming in to the role.