DNS/ManagedDNS/awsdns/tweet/heimdalについて、ここに記述してください。 https://heimdalsecurity.com/blog/corporate-and-government-customers-data-exposed-by-dns-vulnerabilities/ == ??? == {{{ The specialists state that they just created a new hosted zone within ns-852.awsdns-42.net with the same name and directed it to their IP address. Afterward, they got queries from Route53 customers’ devices to their rogue and same-named server. }}} ns-852.awsdns-42.net. 172800 IN A Shir Tamari, head of Wiz.io’s security research team declared that all they had to do in order to fix the bug in AWS Route53 was to place the real AWS name-server name on a so-called “ignore” list. ignore listが解決になっているとは思えない。-- ToshinoriMaeno <>